Anita's Story

Anita - age 63

I went to Changing Faces® for
my dentures and I left with a
huge smile on my face

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"I was overcome by a total lack of confidence"

I was very unfortunate to loose all of my teeth in my early teenage years. I had them all removed at the same time. I had hardly any education or advice on how to look after them. My enamel just began to flake off and my teeth went black. The pain was awful. I felt dreadful and was overcome by a total lack of confidence. The dentures I was given didn't look or feel like real teeth. They just felt like lumps of plastic in my mouth and never fitted that well. I remember my time at school and the kids noticing my false teeth. They really teased me but I learned to live with it.

"I could never eat in public or in restaurants"

I have experienced so many difficulties in life because of wearing full dentures. I never had enough confidence to socialise or speak. I never felt like myself and I was always in the background never fully taking part in the life around me. I had other dentures made but I couldn't wear them. I couldn't eat at all with any of the dentures I was given. I ended up wearing my last set for 25 years. In order to eat, I used to mash my food so it was like baby food so that I wouldn't have to chew. I could never eat in public or restaurants, it was just too embarrassing. Eating is so much better now. I eat crusty bread, meat, everything! I eat where I want and with whom I want.

"My life is so much better"

I would recommend that anybody in my situation to go to Changing Faces. The trust I had in them was never broken and the service is second to none. My life is now so much better. I've been on a high ever since the day they fitted my dentures. Recently I had an accident and broke my arm. When they took me down to the theatre for my operation I thought maybe they would ask to remove my teeth. They didn't so I told the anaesthetist that they were dentures. She was shocked and looked at my mouth in total amazement. She just couldn't believe it. I can't tell you how great that made me feel.

"I look at least five years younger and it gets better everyday"

I feel so much happier and more confident since I had my Changing Faces dentures fitted. I smile all the time and I talk to anyone. My confidence is amazing. It's fantastic what they have done for me. My dentures look like real teeth. They even feel like real teeth. When they showed me a picture of myself from the side and the difference they hade made to the way I look I just couldn't believe it. My lips look much fuller too with fewer creases. My whole face has changed. They describe it as the Changing Faces Effect. I instantly looked five years younger or more and things have improved everyday since. I don't think I will ever forget the feeling I felt the day when they inserted my new dentures. My life would have been so different if I could have gone to Changing Faces all those years ago.

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